Why I use Colloidal Silver

Builds the immune sysytem:

I first heard of Colloidal Silver from my dad who had done a bunch of research on it. He was making it and suggested I give it to my new baby. I tried breast feeding him at birth but lost my milk at 7 weeks. My dad suggested Colloidal Silver as a way to help boost my sons immune system. I gave him 1 tbls of 10ppm a day for the first 3 years of his life. I even took over making it from my dad. But after awhile I got busy and stopped making it.

Cleared up ringworm:

In 2022 my son got a scratch from our cat on his head. He was only 8, didn’t bathe properly, and before I knew it he had this huge oozing soar on his head that was very painful. His pediatrician said it was ring worm and we would need to do 6 weeks of antibiotics and a anti fungal shampoo. And at the end of the 6 weeks if it isn’t gone, we will do bloodwork to make sure his system can handle another round of treatment.

I found this very disturbing with a horrible virus killing people. I decided to start making Colloidal Silver again and started spraying his head as often as possible. He was homeschooling so it was easy to do several times a day. We saw results right away! It still took awhile to get rid of it completely, but we were able to beat it without antibiotics and anti-fungle treatments!

Cleared up chronic Poison Ivy:

Shortly after I started making Colloidal Silver for my son, My husband developed the worst case of Poison Ivy we have ever seen. I truly feel it was in his blood stream and not just on his skin. All doctors could do was prescribe steroids that only provided temporary relief. Whenever he would stop the steroids, it came back with a vengeance. I had him start taking 50ppm silver and Lysine internally to help from the inside, and then he had a bottle of 50ppm to spray on his skin. Within a week the oils stopped oozing and the swelling was gone. He keeps a bottle handy and still sprays his hands and face when they itch.

Prevents cuts, scrapes, and burns from infection:

I am constantly getting injured working outside in the yard and with my chickens. The cuts get infected pretty easy so I will spray the 50ppm onto the pad of a bandaid and then wrap my wound overnight. This really helps cuts heal much faster and avoid tender infection.

Heal a soar throat:

As soon as I feel a cold and a soar throat coming on, I make a blend of 50ppm and honey. I spray down my throat as often as possible, I also make sure to inhale so it gets into my lungs. Works great for knocking out a soar throat and a cold.

Animal Care:

I figure if it's a natural method it should be safe and effective for my animals too. I will spray it on their cuts, and especially in their eyes. Chickens seem to have lots of eye issues, I spray the 50ppm into their eyes when I see issues, or just into their face if they seem to have a cold and congestion.

Cleans water:

After seeing the magical powers Colloidal Silver has for medicinal purposes, I decided to try some other benefits. I started adding 1 oz of 50ppm to a 5 gallon bucket of water for my chickens. I use the buckets with gravity fed cups that clogged up from my well water. To my surprise after 5 days of sitting out the water was still crystal clear and there was no buildup on the walls of the bucket. Not only am I giving my chickens Colloidal Silver for good immune health, now their water will stay clean and no scrubbing for me!!! I even spray it into my cats water to keep their dish clean and their teeth/breath healthy. WIn, Win!!!

Other Uses:

  • Nebulizer

  • Sleep apnea machine

  • Get rid of Pink Eye

  • Ear ache relief

  • Shingles relief

  • Tooth ache

  • Canker Soars

  • Fight Achne

  • Toe Fungus

  • Keep fish tanks clean

  • Use in the garden. Plants benefit from Colloidal Silver as well.

  • Use in house hold cleaners (Note: may stain certain counter tops and materials so be careful and spot check first)


How To Take It


What is Colloidal Silver?