What is Colloidal Silver?

NaturesGreatestSecret.co.uk Defines Colloidal Silver as…..

“Colloidal silver may be defined as: the suspension of ultra-fine silver particles in a colloidal base. The purer solutions of colloidal silver are known as true colloidal silver solutions and are just comprised of pure water and pure silver. In true colloidal silver, a major proportion of the silver content obtains in the form of silver particles. True colloids will typically contain between 50 to 80 percent particles. As silver particles are larger than those found in standard water solutions, true silver colloids should not be clear like water. This is because the larger particles in true silver colloids block light from passing through the solution, making it appear darker. Due to the high cost of production, true colloidal silver products are the least prevalent type of colloidal silver on the market.

Colloidal silver is distinct from Ionic silver. Ionic silver is comprised of mainly positively charged silver atoms. Colloidal silver, on the other hand, is comprised of particles, the 80% to 90% of which are not in an ionic state. A particle in an ionic state is just one that has more protons than electrons, protons being positively charged and electrons being negatively charged.” 

This definition was taken by: https: //www.naturesgreatestsecret.co.uk/pages/introduction-to-colloidal-silver


Why I use Colloidal Silver