What is Colloidal Copper?

Healthline.com Has the Info on Colloidal Copper!

“Colloidal copper is a popular health supplement. It’s similar to colloidal silver, which is also widely used for wellness and medical purposes.

To make colloidal copper supplements, microscopic molecules of copper are suspended in purified water. When purchased, it comes in a liquid, extract-like form that can be taken orally. It may also be used in other products.

According to the companies that sell colloidal copper, it’s more digestible than other forms of copper. Supposedly, this makes the health benefits from copper much more effective.”


OrganicFacts.com Knows the facts!

“There are a number of colloidal copper benefits including its ability to potentially treat skin woundsand burns, and also help boost collagen production. Colloidal copper is particularly popular as a topical skin treatment and is found in many cosmetic products.

Colloidal copper can be purchased as a toner, a lotion, a facial cream, and in soap form, in addition to the liquid extract. Sometimes the extract is taken orally to prevent copper deficiency. However, copper deficiency is very rare in healthy adults. It is seen sometimes in children born premature or suffering from malnutrition. Adults with Celiac disease or cystic fibrosis may also have a copper deficiency since those diseases prevent the proper absorption of nutrients through the digestive system.”



How To Take It


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